If you're furious with Flickr and peeved at Picasa, there's a new kid in town -- OpenPhoto. OpenPhoto is an open source photo sharing service along the lines of those other services, but the images are stored on Dropbox, Amazon S3, or any other cloud-storage service. It's meant to give photograph owners more control over their online photo storage, and you can even install the code on your own server is you wish.
OpenPhoto was initially funded by a Kickstarter project, and the development team has reached a new milestone with the release of an iPhone app (free). The app is a bit underwhelming at the moment, but remember that this is 1.0 version. Some other bloggers have tried to compare the app to Instagram, but point out that there's no social aspect to the app or service yet. At this time, OpenPhoto is good for one thing, and that's for storing your images in the cloud.
The app provides a way to upload and view your images, and there are screens for entering titles and tags to each photo. There are even some editing tools in the app from Aviary, and images can also have filters applied. If you want to do sharing with others, simply turn on the Facebook or Twitter upload capability when you're getting ready to upload an image.
One major complaint about the app has been about the use of Browser.ID for login, which means that the app jumps to mobile Safari to complete the login before moving bak to the app. It's a bit confusing at first, to put it lightly. If you happen to have a lot of photos on your Mac (or PC) it's easy to drag and drop them onto the OpenPhoto page for uploading.
For Dropbox users, the uploaded files may take some initial digging to find. I was expecting to find a new folder called "OpenPhoto", and eventually did -- after I found that it was in another folder called "Apps".
Developer and founder Jaisen Mathai, a former Yahoo! employee, talked with Robert Scoble about the project in a long interview that can be viewed below.
[via The Verge]
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