Glasses frame pearl grey
Interchangeable Set with filter lenses 'PRO', dark amber and 'LiTE', light amber. Anti-reflection coated on back
Microfiber pouch.
Protect yourself against the unnatural and high blue light radiation from the background lighting of modern computer monitors!
Computer eye strain
Working at the computer puts us under enormous strain. Headaches, fatigue, burning, watering, irritable or reddened eyes, flickering images, fluttering eyelids, intermittent short sightedness - these are typical complaints. Unfortunately, however, conventional computer glasses frequently fail to make a significant improvement.
Unexpected risks
Modern flat screen monitors with their mercury or LED-based back-lit illumination are heavy emitters of blue light. Many scientific studies confirm that the light spectrum with a high proportion of blue light can have a harmful effect on the ocular fundus, the macula. The photoreceptive cells are damaged by blue light. A strong blue-light content also has a negative effect on the hormonal balance (stress hormones, melatonin) and that means permanent stress on our bodies.
PRiSMA® bluelightprotect 'PRO' tinted lenses eliminate about 99% of blue light, thus ensuring an excellent blue light protection. 'LiTE' lenses filter out about 95%.
PRiSMA® 'PRO' lenses are slightly darker as 'LiTE' and are suitable for PC (less for television and for gaming). With 'LiTE' lenses the acclimatization period is usually shorter and the color regognition is higher. Not for Driving!
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