Price: $14.99
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NO i am not the famous bill gates, but i do have favorites and i am going to share. Hope you like it...
Price: $14.99
In this classic game of quick draw, players try to correctly guess the identity of words and phrases that are being sketched before anyone else. It takes a quick hand and good guesswork to beat out opponents who are thinking along the same lines as you. To make the fun even more engaging, there is an included DVD with this version that provides a new twist. When a game card reads "DVD," have the disc ready in a player, grab the remote, and be prepared to shout out your answer first as a studio animator draws images for you to see on your television screen.
There are hundreds of animated clues on the DVD, and the game offers two play levels. When younger children are included, level one uses classic Disney animation. Level two features more recent Disney movies as well as Pixar animation for an added challenge. Also on the DVD are live action clips and snippets of animated movies for total family enjoyment.
What's in the box
A TV, DVD player, and remote control are needed but not included.
Players draw items on the included wipe-off pads, and also watch a studio animator draw on the television screen. View larger. |
Price: $34.99
Price: $139.99
Large LCD display counts consumption by the kilowatt-hour |
The LCD shows all meter readings: volts, current, watts, frequency, power factor, and VA |
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Price: $14.98
Price: $50.00
Price: $19.99
Price: $39.98
These entrepreneurial billionaires span three generations. Warren Buffett, chairman of Berkshire Hathaway is 81, William Gates III founder of Microsoft is 56, and Mark Zuckerberg co-founder of Facebook is 26.
• Two made the cover of Time Magazine. Mark Zuckerberg in 2010, Bill Gates shared it with wife Melinda and musician Bono in 2005. Warren Buffet never made it to the cover but in 2006 was listed among Time's 100 Most Influential People in the World
• Both Mark Zuckerberg and Bill Gates attended Harvard but never finished, they dropped out to start their companies. Warren Buffett did finish college and went on for an additional degree. Maybe he represents a different generation?
They are all Billionaires but they share something else on a more personal level; something even they may not know: Birth Order.
Birth Order
• They all share the same Birth Order. They are all Second borns with older sisters. All their sisters are approximately two years older. Because of this they share a number of second born traits and because of their male genders they had an easy time dethroning their sisters, functioning as First borns but keeping their Second born traits.
Starting Early
• Warren Buffet had a paper route early in his life and bought his first stock at the age of 11. That five dollars of profit would set the stage for a life in the investment field. Bill Gates was programming computers at the age of 11 when he was sent for counseling because of his independent streak, a true second born trait. Mark Zuckerberg's first computer was a Quantex 486DX running Windows 3.1 and at age 12 he created a program to network the family computers. The rest is history.
Don't Tell Me What to Do
• Freedom, not power is what sets the Second born apart from the First born. Their billions are used for their freedom not for its power. They don't like to be told what to do and their billions buy them this freedom.
• All show their competitive trait in their businesses, often putting in very long hours with an intensity that many could not sustain. On a more personal level we also see this trait. Mark Zuckerberg was a fencer in High school, Bill Gates was always playing competitive games with his two sisters and Warren Buffett plays bridge12 hrs per week. In 2006 he started the Buffett Cup for competition between 12 US players and 12 Europeans patterned after the Ryder Cup in golf.
Management Style
• Their management styles show the mark of the Second Born. Mark Zuckerberg doesn't have an office but prefers the open office approach, no exercising of power here. Bill Gates' employees are independent contractors and Warren Buffett prides himself in not getting in the way of the CEO's of his companies. He says he just leaves them alone; they do a better job without his interference. This is what all three of them think everyone would like because that is what they want. They are unaware it's a birth order trait of Second borns.
• All have pledged to give at least 50% of their wealth to charity. Why did they all see this as an easy decision? As Second borns they share similar views on life. People with the same birth order are so much alike that age is no barrier. After their deaths they have no use for their money....you might say they then have achieved their ultimate freedom.
Dr. Robert V.V. Hurst is author of the book "Life's Fingerprint: How Birth Order Affects Your Path Throughout Life." For more information contact him at http://www.lifesfingerprint.com or visit his blog at http:/doublebirthorder.blogspot.com
Dr. Robert V.V. Hurst was born in Hammond Indiana and has been practicing orthodontics in Covington Louisiana for over 35 years. During this time he has used his office and patients as his living laboratory to study his patient's personality traits and birth orders. Out of this has come a unique and workable theory that accurately finds a persons real birth order and explains their behaviors. Educated at Indiana University and Harvard, he has taught at both Tufts University and Louisiana State University. He has published numerous articles on birth order and patient behavior. He has also lectured on this same subject applying it to not only patient management but also to office dynamics and employee relationships
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William Henry Gates the Third is also known as Bill Gates and he is the co-founder of the huge Microsoft corporation. This billionaire was born in Seattle on the 28th of October 1955, being the son of a well-known lawyer, William Henry Gates Senior and a professor and businesswoman, Mary Maxwell Gates.
It is well-known that Bill gates is the richest man in the entire world, the situation being the same for a few years now. This is even more significant since the difference between him and his followers being significant. However, he made some comments during a conference he held in Lisbon, stirring at least one round of acid commentaries. According to Bill Gates, the American IRS needs a special computer to store exclusively the data related to his family's fortune. It appears that the numbers his fortune has reached are too big for an ordinary computer like the ones the IRS uses. Also, this lack of technological possibilities has brought him in front of the court a few times, being accused of not paying his taxes, although he was never in the red. The whole mess was passed on to the computers used, this magnate's fortune approaching the sum of fifty-one billion dollars.
He may be the world's richest man, but he never forgets where he started from. Thus, the founder of Microsoft donated forty million dollars to Lakeside School in Seattle. This is a private administration school, one which uses the magnate's money to create scholarships for the ones who want to study in this institution. This school in Seattle was founded in 1914, being renowned as one of the best educational institutes in the United States of America.
In fact, Paul Allen also donated twenty million dollars to Lakeside School. In his speech, Gates emphasized the fact that this school had never existed without the help it got from Microsoft, the money being donated from the Bill and Melinda Gates foundation. There is nothing new about the fact that the magnate is fond of Seattle as he agreed to organize an exhibit which presented Codex Leicester in 2003. This was a collection of manuscripts belonging to Leonardo da Vinci, a collection Bill Gates bought in 1994.
Bill Gates and Microsoft Corporation released the first version of the Windows operating system in 1985. He released the Microsoft Office in 1989, this being the most popular series of office applications. Microsoft became a public company in 1986, being launched on the stock market. 2000 was the year when Bill and his wife founded their foundation, which was called Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation. The year 2005 brought Bill Gates the title of Knight of the British Empire, a title which he was given by the Queen of England. He announced his retirement from Microsoft on the 15th of June 2006, his retirement month being July 2008.
Bill Gates is still one of the most influential people in the world, his success inspiring millions of other people working in his domain and not only.
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All of us love Bill Gates' Windows on our computers. Anytime there's an update to Windows technology, we would like to have it. We just can't get enough of it! A number of versions seem to have been somewhat less of a success than others have been, however finding our way through the maze of the Internet would not provide us with the incredible experience we are able to get by using Windows. Now we have the opportunity to get a similar experience with the advent of the Windows phone. This latest Bill Gate's innovation was released over the Christmas holiday of 2010. The Windows Phone 7 Series incorporates just about everything we have fallen in love with that Windows 7 for our PC's have. Yes, all that good stuff has been incorporated into the Windows phone!
The interface can be described as being unlike any other interface that has yet been seen on a smartphone up to now. The screen display is loaded with an extra-large group of flat squares in vibrant primary rainbow colors. The text is large and the screen features a modern day lively appearance. The graphics are magnificent. The start screen is highlighted with live tiles which are constantly being updated. You can obtain news, weather, or live, up to date traffic reports. In the event you decide to do so, you are able to pin a person on the start screen and obtain current status and images of that individual throughout the day.
The Window Phone is centered on a pair of hubs; ponsisting of pictures, people, music, games, video, office and marketplace. You will be able to gain access not just to your personal contacts but also to MySpace and Facebook. Video and music is the product of Zune's HD software which is on the phone concealed on the inside of the Window Phone. If you happen to be a video game lover, you will probably be delighted to know that X-Box Live is located right there also on the phone. You will be happy to know also that your scores can be hooked up to your X-Box that is at your home.
The browser used in the phone is of course Internet Explorer and although it is not as fast as that of Mobile Safari, it does contain multiple browser windows. The Outlook e-mail app is exceptional. The text is big, vivid, and quite simple to see and read. The Marketplace is the location used to buy your phone apps. The old apps associated with Windows Mobile is not going to work with the new Windows Phone 7. Built inside the phone you will find Bing and Bing maps. Microsoft Office is connected to Cloud for OTA syncing and those that plan on using the Windows Phone for business purposes will be very pleased when they find out everything the phone can do to help them out with their business needs.
The exact same mega corporations that control the market for desktops find themselves as part of the three way competition to see who comes out on top of the mobile phone market. Google, Microsoft, and Apple are the three big dogs in the race as well. Microsoft in the past has been very deliberate in bringing new products to the market, however, largely because of this, they have a track record of getting it right the first time! All signs point to Phone 7 replacing Windows Mobile in the not too far off future. If you want to get your hands on the latest in mobile phones from Microsoft, take a look at the Windows Phone. You won't be disappointed.
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Either Microsoft has got it right, or the folks who are playing with the 'beta' version of the new Windows 7 are all in on a big conspiracy with Steve Ballmer and Bill Gates. I have been doing my fair share of research on the newest operating system and the early testers are happy with what really is an upgrade to Windows Vista. Not since Windows Millennium Edition have so many beat up an operating system for the Redmond tech campus. I admit that I hate change, so I have never owned a computer with Vista on it, but I have worked with it and I never saw an overpowering reason to switch. My first taste of Windows XP and I was hooked and had to have it! But Vista.... nah. The knock on Vista has always been it's buggy, and even with upgrades there was never anything that changed that image for most of us. According to survey I recently read, less than ten percent of the people out there actually made the upgrade to Vista. Furthering that was people ordering new computers and insisting on Windows XP long after Vista's 5 release versions. I just checked over at newegg.com and you can still buy a copy of XP Home Edition complete with Service Pack 3 for a smidge under $90.
My first sarcastic question was why is Win 7 so good, and yet Microsoft always seems to put out a buggy first edition of its operating systems? Heck, this is still the beta version and it will probably be replaced with another beta before the real deal comes out. And why did Microsoft make the beta of Windows 7 so easy for everyone to get an play with? My belief is competition, something that has been so foreign to Gates and Ballmer in the past is a reality in 2009. The competition from Apple and Linux was not a big deal when Microsoft kept Vista - better known in the pre-release days as "Longhorn"- and it was hard to get your hands on a beta copy. But now things have changed, big-time.
Starting with the 'iPhone' and the 'Ubuntu' version of Linux, Apple and other alternative operating systems are making headway. Shoot, I was in Best Buy the other day and saw they had a Mac display. Wow. The iPhone to the Mac and suddenly there is a competitor than can take market share away from Windows if doesn't get a better street image. Ubuntu is over hyped in my opinion. I've seen easier Linux versions to use that will allow the casual computer user to get on the net and not be that different from the interface they have become used to with Windows.
So Microsoft faces a problem they haven't faced in years. Real competition for the home and business computer marketplace. Competition makes you better, and in the case of Windows 7, first reports are better, much better than what we saw with Vista. As long as there are rivals for the 800 pound gorilla of computer desktops, we can expect better products from Microsoft. The good news for you and I is that Mac and Linux are getting a good footing and aren't likely to disappear from the competition soon.
Let me know what you think.
Mark Barron is a direct marketing professional and an internet broadcaster. He has over 20 years of experience on "Real Radio" and really enjoys the internet so much more. For more information on successful marketing and on internet radio, email markbarron@hotmail.com or go to his website: http://www.MarkBarron.com. Find out more about Mark's favorite business by going to his tech website, [http://www.BransonComputerRepair.com].
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Believe it or not Windows is 21 years old on 20th November 2006. When it was launched in 1985 the PC market was barely out of it's infancy, and whatever you may think of Microsoft it is amazing what they Bill Gates & Co have built in such a relatively short time.
Windows has been through many iterations since Windows 1.0 hit the shelves 21 years ago, with the latest and most advanced (and probably the most expensive) Vista due to be launched soon after 5 years of development.
In honour of Windows birthday and to celebrate it's coming of age, here are 21 things you never knew about Windows, Microsoft and Bill Gates:
1. Windows 1.0 was released on 20th Nov 1985 and the hardware requirements were 256KB of RAM, DOS 2.0 and two floppy drives, two years late.
2. The retail price was $100, which is worth about $177 in today's money - the same as Windows XP Home.
3. Microsoft sent out a press kit featuring a squeegee and washcloth to announce the launch of Windows 1.0, a full two years before the product was launched.
4. If Bill Gates had got his way, he would have called it "Interface Manager". 21 years later, I don't think Interface Manager Vista, or Vista Interface Manager would have had the same ring to it....
5. When Vista was launched Microsoft were David fighting Goliath, and had to fight many court battles:
"We weren't kidding that we bet the entire company on it," Gates recalls. "The strange thing was we were a much smaller company at the time. We were competing to establish this platform with companies larger than ourselves."
6. Windows 1.0 was only out for two weeks before it had to be patched to fix bugs (sound familiar?).
7. Windows crashes an estimated 25m times a day.
timeline_DOS.gif8. Windows 1.0 included a large number of utilities that are still part of Windows today - Calendar, Notepad, Terminal, Calculator, Clock, Windows Write and Windows Paint, Control Panel, and the Reversi game.
9. Support for Windows 1.0 was weak, and even Microsoft's own apps didn't support it. In fact, Excel and Word didn't work with Windows until 1987 and 1989.
10. Windows 3.1 was the first stable release, which led to many hardware manufacturers preloading it on their computers. This proved to be a major turning point in Windows history and world domination.
11. Windows 3.1 (Pre-release name Janus) was released in March of 1992. In its first few months on the shelf it sold over 2 million copies (including upgrades). The Windows 3.1x OSs were groundbreaking for their time and they paved the road for today's modern Microsoft environments.
12. Between 1986 and 1996 Microsoft's stock soared hundredfold and it was estimated that Microsoft had created 10,000 millionaires by 2000.
post_59416_1106163459_thumb.jpg13. Bill Gates earns $250 every second, $20m a day and $7.8BN a year.
14. If Bill drops a thousand dollar bill, it's not worth his while to pick it up, as he'll make the same amount in the time it takes him to pick it up.
15. If Bill Gates was a country, he would be the 37th richest country in the world.
16. The Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation is the weathiest organisation for charitable grants with assets of approx $65Bn.
17. Erik Noyes from Charles Schwab came up with the phrase Blue Screen of Death "BSoD" in 1991.
18. Bill Gates scored 1590 on his SAT. Paul Allen, scored a perfect 1600.
19. windows_54.jpgThe Windows operating system has 50 million lines of code (a line averages 60 characters) and grows 20% with every release. It's put together by 7,200 people, comes in 34 languages and has to support 190,000 devices-different models of digital cameras, printers, handhelds and so on.
20. An estimated 250-300K applications have been developed for Windows.
21. Over 5 million testers signed up for Vista's release candidates (I'm wagering the first patch will be released within 3 weeks!)
Everton Blair is respected Internet Strategist and Blogger, who runs the Connected Internet blog following developments in the internet and mobile internet sectors. With over 12 years experience in strategy consulting and business development, and has seen and lived through the highs, and the lows of the industry.
Based in London, the author can be contacted on admin@connectedinternet.co.uk and his blog can be found at [http://www.connectedinternet.co.uk]
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After the demonstration of Windows Vista by Bill Gates at the CES keynote, Robbie Bach, President of the Entertainment and Devices Division at Microsoft Corp. (MSFT) talked about Zune, which he said, has rapidly become the No.2 music player after Apple (AAPL) iPod. Of course, the objective of Microsoft is to dominate the portable music player market. Bach said that Zune will become the leader. Honestly, I think that Microsoft has a real challenge with Zune. Even though I was impressed with Zune features such as the large screen, the FM tuner, and the ability to beam songs between devices (you can play the beamed song three times over three days), I think that Microsoft could have done much better with the name; they did such a great job with Xbox. Yet, Microsoft has a solid record of success. So, we have to wait and see how popular Zune becomes. Bach also showed Xbox 360 which he said had such a tremendous success over the Holidays.
Bill Gates announced HP MediaSmart Server powered by Windows Home Server developed in partnership with Hewlett-Packard (HPQ) which will be available this year. This Windows home server will allow you to have a home network, connect all your home computers and store all your data, music, and videos on one server with scheduled backups along with secured remote access in case you want to access your home PCs while traveling. I need this!
Another product Gates talked about is Windows Mobile, which is not new, yet has been increasingly and extremely popular in cell phones and has a lot more potential in the future. Windows mobile allows users to access on their cellular phones, their Microsoft Word and Excel documents, their Microsoft Outlook emails and all kind of other neat software. Bill Gates also announced that Microsoft and Ford (F) partnered together to develop Sync, a new in-car digital system exclusive to Ford. The voice-activated in-car communications and entertainment system for mobile phones and digital music players is powered by Microsoft Auto Software and allows you to pretty much integrate your phone and music into your car. You can connect any Zune or iPod to Sync and stream MP3s off your phone. If you are on your cell phone and enter your car, Sync takes over the phone conversation and you can use the hands-free car phone system; users can access their mobile phone or digital music player, including genre, album, artist and song title, via voice commands. Your IM will be automatically read to you with voice technology. Per Ford executive, Mark Fields, Sync will be made affordable and available not just in luxury cars but in some everyday Ford cars as well.
Bill Gates talked about the futuristic home that Microsoft has on campus where they dream about how any house could be in years to come. Bill Gates showed us a bedroom of the future with a multi-screen wall panel with at least 16 screens going over two bedroom walls; the gigantic screen controlled by a simple remote was used to display videos such as a thrilling car race or a soothing aquarium setting, for any mood and ambiance, and with music of course! You can also play video games on the wall. How exciting is that? Quite impressive! I cannot wait for the future!
All trademarks in this article are the properties of their respective owners.
This article has been written by Marylin Stompler, MBA, President of Power Accessories Corp., a leading company dedicated to provide quality iPod Accessories at Affordable Prices. Marylin Stompler has more than twelve years of technical and business experience in the high-tech industry. Visit [http://www.poweraccessories.com] for additional articles and iPod accessories at affordable prices.
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As the co-founder and chairman of the mammoth Microsoft Corporation, Bill Gates is the moving force behind a company that has been regarded as "The Most Innovative Company Operating in the U.S." (1993, Forbes magazines). Microsoft introduced several revolutionary technological advancements in the computer industry that made the company the first truly dominant player among home computer operating systems. Microsoft also created the most widely used operating system in the world, Microsoft Windows.
Gates is widely regarded as the brains behind the Microsoft Corporation, primarily responsible for product strategy from the time the company was founded in 1975 until 2006. Among his key contributions are extensively broadening the company's product lines and vigorously defending Microsoft's dominant position in its key areas of operation. And while some of his decisions have led to antitrust litigation over Microsoft's business practices, his reputation as one of the most popular and respected entrepreneurs of the personal computer revolution remains intact. His fame actually surpasses the realm of computers and business and extends into mainstream society. For instance, in a 2006 list compiled by New Statesman magazine, Gates was voted eighth in the "Heroes of Our Time" category.
In June 2006, Gates announced that he will be handing the reins of Microsoft's day-to-day operations to someone else by July 2008 to concentrate on the philanthropic work of the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, although he will continue to serve as the company's chairman and as an advisor on special projects. Plans are already afoot to transfer Gates' role as Chief Software Architect of Microsoft to Ray Ozzie, the former head honcho of the Groove company which Microsoft purchased in 2005.
Gates has donated several millions of dollars to various charitable groups and scientific research studies. By some estimates, Gates has contributed over half his fortune to charity. Even if such were the case, he can easily afford it. Recently, the prestigious Forbes magazine named Gates as the world's richest person for the 12th straight year, with a 2006 net worth of $50 billion. Incidentally, he actually became the world's first "centibillionaire" in 1999 when his net worth surpassed the 100 billion mark briefly.
Jonathon Hardcastle writes articles on many topics including Computers [http://computerinformationsource.com/], Science [http://fortheloveofscience.com/], and Cosmetic Surgery [http://1stcosmeticsurgery.com/]
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Consider this. If you bought a computer without Microsoft Windows®, what in the world would you do with it? It's really that wonderful bit of software which makes the computer so great.
So what does this have to do with Bill Gates selling cameras?
Today, cameras are much closer to computers than they ever were before. The newest DSLRs (digital, single-lens reflex cameras) are wonders of modern electronics. These cameras will automatically do all the required calculations internally, in tiny complex microprocessors, to insure that you get a beautiful looking photograph. They have automatic settings for landscapes, for portraits, sports, close-ups, etc. You can even program your own favorite settings of aperture, shutter speed, or ISO and the camera will be sure to make whatever other adjustments are at its disposal to insure your photo looks good.
But how is it then, that every professional photographer I know who uses one of these marvels of technology, with many pro cameras costing several thousand dollars each, wouldn't dream of presenting a photo to their clients without first running it through Photoshop? (Adobe Photoshop® is THE photo-editing software of choice for amateur and professional photographers alike when it comes to maximizing the quality of their photos)
In fact, people have come to me after buying a new camera, asking for lessons in photography because "their camera" doesn't take photos like the ones they've seen from others using that same camera. Maybe you've wondered that too? It's quite likely you've been comparing apples to oranges, photos right out of the camera vs. those that have been optimized with Photoshop. You'd be amazed at the difference just a few simple tweaks can bring!
Imagine, a thousand dollar DSLR camera, with all its automatic features, that can't produce an optimal quality image without the help of additional software?
Now doesn't that sound exactly like a computer without its Windows?
I'm not sure who's heading up the Adobe division that markets Photoshop, but I'm certain if it were Bill Gates, you'd see every camera sold being bundled with a Photoshop installation CD. (hopefully it would be a far bit cheaper than buying the two separately!)
But until that day arrives, do not despair over your own photographs. I'm not saying the new DSLR's don't create beautiful photos on their own, they certainly do. All I'm saying is, there is so much more that can be achieved with a little assist from Photoshop.
Personally, Photoshop® is half the fun of photography for me, the most creative half.
I'd highly recommend it for anyone with a serious interest in getting the absolute most from photography.
Robert Schwarztrauber is an author, speaker and photographer who provides many online resources which help people take and create better pictures. For more information on improving your results in photography, and more specifically using Photoshop to maximize your images and your fun, please visit my blog at: http://PhotoshopHouseofCards.blogspot.com
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Have you seen it? A bright blue background with stark white lettering that positively jumps out at the viewer. Computer technicians have nicknamed it the Blue Screen of Death, because it looks like the screens in airports that tell you when a plane is late. Blue screen problems have created havoc and headaches for computer users worldwide.
Doom? Does This Spell The End?
With any luck, the answer is no. You will be able to restore your computer to its previous functioning self, and will not have lost any important files, documents, or photos.
Usually a computer will shut itself down if it encounters blue screen problems, and then try to reboot and run diagnostics. Sometimes, this is all it takes. Your PC will fix itself and you will be off and running once again. However, if it keeps happening, know that you have a serious problem that has to be addressed if you want to continue using your computer.
How Critical is This
Very critical. A blue screen problem translates to a system error, and is generated by your computer's operating system. Even Bill Gates received one while he was giving a demonstration of one of his Windows products. Talk about being red-faced!
The less you have altered your computer, the less likely you are to have blue screen. It is the constant adding, deleting, installing, and uninstalling of programs that often leads to this problem in the first place. If you are lucky, it might be the very last program you installed that is causing it. Getting rid of that program might eliminate blue screen problems for good.
What Can I Do To Prevent It From Happening?
First, document it. It does not matter if you are getting it on your home computer, you should still write everything down as clearly as you can. Why should you bother? Let's be honest. You are probably going to get frustrated or nervous if you do not get your system up and running right away. Having clear notes of everything that was on the screen means you don't have to rack your brain to remember exactly what it said.
The information you are copying down is actually extremely useful. Why? Because your computer is telling you what programs loaded and which ones did not, and where the error occurred. With this information, you will also be able to identify whether your blue screen problems have to do with hardware or software.
By rebooting your system into safe mode, you might be able to find the problem yourself. Safe mode is when your computer will run only a bare bones operating system, and only a limited amount of programs will be available. Sometimes you will be able to diagnose your problem right then and there.
With all the codes and information you copied down when it occurred, you can also search online for the meaning of each one. In addition, you might be able to eliminate your problem by reinstalling your OS, or operating system.
Many people have found this a fix for the issue, and have never had a Blue Screen Problems again.
David D Whitewood
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This poem was inspired by Bill Gates always threatening to retire - without his ever doing so. I believe he will retire someday, not altogether soon, and then he'll join Paul Allen in the new base on the moon. They will give escorted trips to visitors, pointing out computer monitoring devices and other neat new relics of how Gates and Allen plan on taking over the Universe, sometime within our lifetimes. And of course plans will be expressed on how Mars is to be settled and colonized by the time anyone else takes over the computer operating systems of the Earth, whether they actually do or not.
Opening slowly to the Internet are the big Windows of chaos's charms and the sparks of bright desires. This is the age of the Silver Surfer who next aspires to home businesses and the clever sports of fools bending over backward to create artwork that rules. Fanfiction that rocks is the freebie standard of one when you own websites, blogs, wikis and email fun.
We list our products for short sale - and multiple cars are lined up to be viewed later on real Venus and Mars. This is the night of expanding of virtual online games and the ever changing problem of creating silly names. Invisible are your buddies until their pictures are seen as the universe gets on is safe and even keeps serene. The keyboard door of order's dreams is still unknown, as usernames and passwords are seldom overthrown.
We choose every scheme regarding teen dream queens with colorful search engine optimization taking a stand, for those recreating the Crystallizing of Gondwanaland.
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So What Have I Learned From Bill Gates:
Build a product that can distributed or downloaded easily
Well the Windows operating system is pretty much all of that. No matter how serious the R&D is to develop their software, you can buy it easy online or in a store, and it's all sitting on very inexpensive CD's. Brilliant!
Microsoft Has No Bricks & Mortar:
He was one of the early big boys into this area. Build a product and only have other people sell it. No stores of your own to manage. With Microsoft being a global player, the savings there alone are massive. Again, brilliant!
Microsoft Earns Residual License Fees:
What could be better, most businesses run their computers on the Windows Operating System and then have to pay a license fee depending on how many computers they have. Then the residual magic, every customer upgrade comes with a fee, the license fee. Customers for life! Massive brilliance!
Updates & Quick Fixes Are All Online:
Again, the ease and efficiency of distribution here is pure genius, especially considering that Microsoft is a global player.
So What Have I Really Learned From Bill Gates?
Build a product that has global appeal. It can be distributed online with ease and virtually without cost. The product has a license or residual fee, almost guaranteeing a customer for life. A customer for life, boy I love that part!
So What Can I Really Do With This Information?
You can invent and test market a product that the entire planet will eventually love, or you can take the easy route, and be the middleman, and resell the product for a fee. I think I prefer that idea, it's easy, clean and simple and so much less work.
So Here's Where I'm Going With All This:
I really love the simple and easy approach, it works for me. Now, find a product you can resell and earn a monthly residual income from. Let's say it pays you a commission of $44.00 and keeps paying you $44.00 every month after the initial sale. That's the perfect residual income plan, sell it once and get paid over and over again.
Here's The Simple Magic When You Compound Residual Income:
Month One - Sell 100 products and earn $44 x 100 = $4,400.00
Month Two - Sell 100 products and earn $44 x 100 = $4,400.00
Month Two - Earn residual income from month one $44 x 100 = $4,400.00
Month Three - Sell 100 products and earn $44 x 100 = $4,400.00
Month Three - Earn residual income from month one $44 x 100 = $4,400.00
Month Three - Earn residual income from month two $44 x 100 = $4,400.00
You can easily see how compounding residual income through affiliate selling turns into a monster sales vehicle. Month One = $4,400.00 Month Two = $8,800.00 and Month Three = $13,200.00 ... by the end of year one, you've earned hundreds of thousands of dollars. You have no store, no inventory, no staff .. it just doesn't get much better than that.
If Bill Gates has taught me anything, it's not how Windows actually works, but how having an efficient sales system can make you a fortune. And when you are making that kind of money, do what Bill does, give some back!
In our lifetime Bill Gates will clearly be the most generous person in the world.
- Mike Perras is a retired media executive. He is a big fan of Robert Kiyosaki's "Rich Dad Poor Dad" book and the teachings of Multiple Streams of Income. He is also a member of the Mack Michael's Maverick Money Maker Club
The Maverick Money Maker's Club has an affiliate program that pays a monthly residual income. Residual income is one of the best kept secrets to growing a personal fortune. It allows affiliates to build an extremely healthy income and even stronger passive income at the same time.
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Many of us might think at any time about this question: how much money does Bill Gates have? Because we want to know the quantity required to be considered the richest man in the world. Here we are going to answer this question and give you other useful information too.
Bill Gates has $58 billion dollars. He is now the third richest man in the world. He held in the no.1. position for 13 years. In the following paragraphs we are going to give you useful information about his childhood and career in the computer industry.
Now that we answered the question: how much money does Bill Gates have? You are prepared to know many more things about William Gates III. He was born in Seattle. He was interested in computers since the very beginning of his life.
Bill Gates dropped out of Harvard to build up Microsoft. Paul Allen was his partner in this technological adventure. Gates is considered a ruthless manager, but his success might be due to this aspect of his personality.
Microsoft created a monopoly in the software industry with a software called Windows. This is an operating system for personal computers. Microsoft is a very successful company.
Bill Gates is the owner of The Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation. This is one of the biggest foundations in the world if not the biggest. Other big foundations are the Ford and Rockefeller foundations.
The foundation of Bill Gates is going to help many around the globe. This is a really important decision of the technology magnate. There are also many ways to increase our capital as Bill Gates did. I tell you this because you asked the question: how much money does Bill Gates have? One of this ways to increase you capital is currency trading or Forex.
If you want to find out more information about the ways to increase your capital, you can go to my currency trading review blog: http://currencytradingreviews101.blogspot.com
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Not everybody realizes this, but all the "new" features in Vista are old features stolen from Mac OS X, and not very well.
Microsoft has a history of stealing ideas and presenting them as their own -- all of the basic ideas behind Windows (having information displayed in one or more windows, having a desktop, having a recycle bin or trash can, using a mouse, etc.) were directly taken from the Mac after Steve Jobs and Steve Wozniak (the co-founders of Apple) invited Bill Gates over to show off their new type of computer.
Bill took notes and ran back to Microsoft to copy it, and he's been doing it ever since.
The new version of Windows -- Windows Vista -- was supposed to come out years ago, but it got delayed and delayed, and finally was released around the beginning of 2007.
Back in 2004, Apple announced the then-new version of Mac OS X, OS 10.4 or "Tiger" (the "X" in Mac OS X is a Roman numeral 10, not a letter X by the way) at their developers conference.
Early in 2007, some internal emails were leaked from inside Microsoft that revealed that when one high-up employee from Microsoft was at the 2004 Apple Developers Conference, he was taking notes (just like Bill did all those years ago) and he confessed Microsoft had to take a lot of features of OS X from Apple to put into Vista.
He was also worried they wouldn't be able to do those features as well.
When Vista finally came out (two and a half years later) I remember watching the promotional video that showed off all of the supposedly new features of Vista.
Every single one was clearly a knock-off of features in the 2004 version of Mac OS X, and in my opinion, not very good knock-offs.
In fact, the Microsoft employee who wrote those leaked emails is on record saying that he'd use a Mac himself if he didn't work for Microsoft.
So why pay for recycled "new features" when they won't really do that much to improve your computer (and as I mentioned in an earlier email, are likely to slow it down) -- it doesn't make a lot of sense to me.
I won't deny that I like Macs better than PCs too -- and unlike a lot of people who are big supporters of one and bash the other, I am very familiar with both types of computer, and realize that neither type is perfect -- and I honestly think that 99% of the time, you're better off using a Mac than a Windows PC.
So if you're going to get a new computer, which you're better off doing if you're getting Vista, why not get the real deal instead of the pale imitation?
Just my opinion.
Worth Godwin is a computer coach with over 15 years' experience helping computer users of all levels, and has also worked for many years "in the trenches" as a hardware and software tech, solving real-world computer problems.
Worth has also been studying the human mind, and how people learn, since the early 1990s. He draws upon all of this experience, as well as his English and writing degrees, to teach people in a unique way with explanations that really make sense.
In 2006, Worth began putting his easy lessons together on computer training CDs, carefully designed to make it easy to learn both basic computer skills for Windows and basic computer skills for Apple Mac at your own pace, for an affordable price, with a system that really works.
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The Microsoft people have come up with a new version of an operating system in recent months. In an interview to Newsweek, Bill Gates announced this version is meant to be more user centric than previous OS's. This is a new wrinkle of an upgrade. Certainly, earlier versions of the Windows operating systems were never said to be centric, though in some ways, they were.
So, what does Mr. Gates mean by centric and what will it do for us? The word centric is derived from the word center. A centric structure has its main body in the middle and layers form around it which this central body controls. However, the real meaning I get from the way the word centric is being used here is that Microsoft is the central controlling body.
The reason I say this is because Windows 7 uses tracers to keep the operating system running. Whereas with previous versions of Windows you used to have to click OK to send a report to Microsoft after a crash, this is no longer necessary because Windows tracers will take care of it. While all this sounds 1984ish, it really is not a bad thing.
If you were to take your Windows XP or Vista Operating System disk and try to install it on another computer, you would not be able to. So, you can see Microsoft has, to some extent been in our homes for a while already. Though this concept may be hard for some of us to swallow, that is just the way it is.
Cutting the Waste
Of course, probably what Mr. Gates was meaning to convey by centric is that the time has come for operating systems to be very, very efficient. In the past, upgrades were built as additions slapped onto the previous operating system.
With Windows 7's centric system the waste has been cut from the inner to the outer core of the system. This makes it so your microprocessor can do more while working less. Windows 7 has achieved this goal by sacrificing, to some extent, compatibility. In other words, you won't see too many programs compatible with Windows 7 and everything else.
No Windows Mail!
Window 7 comes without Windows Mail or Photo Gallery installed. However a free download including these two pieces of software and some other niece features as well, can be downloaded. All in all, I see this as a plus over previous operating systems.
Some users of Windows 7 have complained it is slow. Actually, this operating system is built for speed but your computer has to have the horsepower to run it. A 40GB hard drive with 16GB of free space is an absolute minimum. Also, you cannot even get this OS off the ground without at least 1 GB of RAM. Microsoft states the minimum speed of the processor to be 1 GHZ, but I would add you need a top Microprocessor with ample L1 cache onboard as well. In other words, a so-so computer will not run Windows 7 very well.
Still, this operating system has some nice features. Myself, I have been delighted with my Windows Vista system but with we computer users becoming more and more video obsessed, an operating system structured to cutout wasted computer effort is needed. Windows 7 is at least an attempt at designing this non wasteful, centric system.
The author, Ed Lathrop is a comp TIA A+/Network+ certified computer technician familiar with the operation, repair and upkeep of today's PC's. His site, Registry Repair Reviews, rates the latest registry programs and tells which registry cleaners work and which ones might actually be dangerous to your computer. Also, Computer is Slow Why? gives you step by step instructions on how to get your computer's speed back!
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LEAVE it to Bill Gates. There's a reason he's the richest man in the world.
On a visit to China last April, he announced a program that would sell a $3 bundle of Windows XP and MS Office to governments in poor countries that subsidize computer purchases by students.
"All human beings deserve a chance to achieve their full potential," Gates said in announcing Microsoft's latest program to bridge the digital divide.
It was a public relations coup and a shrewd business move besides.
Now $3 is a great price for MS Office 2007, even though it's the Home and Student Edition that doesn't have PowerPoint. But Windows XP Starter Edition is a crippled version of a five-year-old operating system, with networking disabled and multitasking severely limited.
So the software isn't great, but it's good enough to do the job.
Unfortunately, the "job" isn't just personal productivity, it's technology lock-in. It's all about creating a new generation of computer users who are hooked on Windows and programs that run under the proprietary operating system.
Microsoft isn't shy about this goal of "reaching the next billion" computer users and tying them in to its technology.
"Many of these people we think are going to be consumers down the road," said Orlando Ayala, senior vice president for Microsoft's emerging segments market development group.
A closer look at the $3-deal also exposes software pricing as an artificial and arbitrary affair. Why sell software priced at hundreds of dollars for just $3. Why not $2? Or $5?
Even the Starter Edition is an arbitrary, marketing-oriented creation that artificially limits the functionality of software. It harks back to the day when some marketing geniuses at Intel decided to sell a version of the 486 processor with the math co-processor disabled, simply so it could sell the same chip at a lower price--without having customers who were willing to pay more for it complain. Crippling a piece of software so you can sell it cheaply makes just as much sense.
Significantly, Microsoft's $3 offer comes at a time when the open source Linux operating system is becoming increasingly popular as a free alternative to Windows on desktop and notebook computers. By aiming its program at developing countries, Microsoft seems determined to head off Linux in markets where the free alternative is most likely to thrive at Windows' expense.
But in the same week that Gates announced the $3 subsidy, a major software milestone passed without fanfare.
There was no Times Square countdown. No whiz-bang demo by an aging technology guru. No big advertising campaign or clever TV commercials. With a refreshing lack of marketing hype, the latest version of Ubuntu, one of the most popular Linux distributions, was released to the general public on April 19.
On that day, the Ubuntu home page was replaced with a bare page under a headline that read "Ubuntu 7.04 - Well Done."
There were just two sentences under the headline: "Thank you to everyone who has helped make Ubuntu 7.04 a reality. Thousands of you have helped code, test, translate and promote Ubuntu and everyone can celebrate today's release."
Below the note were links to servers in 30-odd countries where the 700MB file (an ISO disc image) could be downloaded.
The lack of hype wasn't the only thing that set Ubuntu apart.
Bucking industry trends, Ubuntu developers delivered the latest version of the operating system on time, as promised. In stark contrast, Microsoft missed numerous launch targets on its five-year road to Windows Vista, and even Apple has had to push back the June release of Leopard, the new version of the Mac OS X operating system.
The on-time delivery of Ubuntu 7.04 is yet another sign that the open source approach to software development works. Unlike the traditional approach in which one company hires all the programmers and controls product development, open source projects are farmed out to volunteer programmers around the world, working cooperatively over the Internet.
And Ubuntu 7.04, code named Feisty Fawn, is not crippled software. It's a sophisticated, fully functional, modern operating system that is more secure, and arguably more efficient than Windows Vista. It also comes with a boatload of excellent software, including an office suite that does what MS Office does--all for free.
So why would a developing country want to pay $3 per PC when it can get a much better deal for free? The real cost of Microsoft's $3 offer to developing countries is much higher than its price tag suggests. The real cost is getting sucked into a proprietary world and the loss of choice that open source software would bring.
From Digital Life by Chin Wong
Chin Wong has been covering the technology industry since the 1980s, starting as a reporter for Business Day, Southeast Asia?s first daily business newspaper. He is now a lecturer in journalism at the Ateneo de Manila University in the Philippines and associate editor for the Manila Standard Today. Before that, he also served as technology editor of the Manila Times until October 2004.
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Bill Gates, the co-founder and chairman of the Microsoft Corporation, has certainly reached legend status and not only because he is considered as the world's richest man. As the moving force behind a company that is considered "The Most Innovative Company Operating in the U.S." (1993, Forbes magazines), Gates is certainly in a league of his own. With Gates at the helm, Microsoft launched a number of revolutionary technological advancements that have changed the face of the computer industry and the way people around the world use computers.
History has acknowledged Microsoft's great contributions and has judged Mircrosoft to be the first truly dominant player in home computer operating systems. Even today, Microsoft's influence is felt around the world through the broad usage of Microsoft Windows, currently the most widely used operating system in the world.
Gates first made his mark as is widely regarded as the prime mover and innovator behind the Microsoft Corporation from the time it was founded in 1975 until 2006. As the man responsible for product strategy, Gates greatly expanded Microsoft's product lines and established as well as defended the leadership position in many of its key areas of operation. Gates has not been perfect as some of his decisions have led to antitrust litigation over Microsoft's business practices. But his reputation as one of the most popular and respected entrepreneurs of the personal computer revolution is unquestioned. Gates is actually one of those men who is larger than his area of expertise. To illustrate this point, New Statesman magazine voted Gates as number eight among the "Heroes of Our Time."
Of late, Gates has been delegating many of his key functions in Microsoft. He announced last June that he would be naming someone else as the head of operations of Microsoft by July 2008 although he did say that he will still sit as the company's chairman and as an advisor on special projects. Sources say that the leading candidate to succeed Gates as operations hear is Ray Ozzie, former president of the Groove company, which Microsoft purchased in 2005.
His latest focus has been in the area of philanthropy through the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation. Some sources in the press estimate that Gates has probably contributed over half his fortune to charity.
Jonathon Hardcastle writes articles on many topics including Business [http://4businesstalk.com/], Real Estate [http://irealestatecentral.com/], and Business [http://businessworldnow.net/]
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Bill gates recently wrote an internal document to his executives, titled "The Sea Change". This letter speaks of the movement towards internet delivery of content, for Microsoft, its software and numerous other applications. So I went to bed that night after reading that article, and I had a dream......
Last night I had a dream about the fusion of Broadcasting and Internet television, and its current closest medium, podcasting. As podcasting has evolved over the past few years, it has morphed into all sorts of shapes of programming. But the real "Wow" factor behind podcasting is yet to be talked about, or not highly publicized at all.
That is, the merging of what we know as the "internet" and current broadcast, cable or satellite programming. It has long been discussed that the internet and television would one day be one in the same. But there has not been much talk into how this transition, into a new future of "Informative Entertainment" or "Intelligent Programming" will develop.
The question and conundrum that most dreamers faced is, what catalyst will form that will make this bridge possible. Well in my opinion, the catalyst is "podcasting". Let me explain further.
Podcasting is the fusion of "pod" and "broadcasting". "Pod" stands for personal-on-demand, so the word means personal on-demand broadcasting. It is based around an internet platform and xml/rss programming. Podcasting has now opened a new section of its market, which is called Video-podcasting, or Vod-casting. Vod-casting is the transmission of video over the internet in podcast format, for viewing on the web, or on personal devices.
Video podcasting has opened the floodgates for internet television to directly compete with traditional broadcast television. Over the next few years, companies like Microsoft will introduce home T.V. set-top boxes, which will stream internet feeds directly to televisions in your home. This is the birth of home internet television in its purest form.
As this medium grows, podcasting will become internet programming. The popularity of podcasting will grow the market to morph once again into a new-age of internet broadcasting companies. These podcasts will become T.V. shows with new programming, or re-runs. These shows will be able to be subscribed to, just like cable, but on an individual basis. As these shows grow in popularity, internet broadcast networks will start to form, and the traditional companies like ABC, CBS, NBC, and all the cable and satellite channels will have to conform to new technology to prevent being swept aside.
As the popularity of internet television grows and everyone has the ability to watch iTV in their home, a new vision will immerge. This new vision is what I call "Informative Entertainment" or "Intelligent Programming".
Now you ask, "Well, what is this" and "How will that work?" Well, let's start with the basics. Everyone owns a DVD or two right? If not, you have at least watched one, I hope. Now, when you put a DVD into the machine and turn it on, it takes you to a menu screen. This menu screen gives you options to choose from, such as scenes, extras, director's cut and so on. These extras are huge draws for DVD sales, like Shrek, Star Wars, Madagascar, etc. The reason they are a big success, is because they put the power of choice in the hand of the user. Whatever your choice may be, the DVD will follow, and execute.
So what if podcasting had the ability to implement "user options"? What if you could watch a Video Podcast, and have the ability to choose different features of that podcast by simply placing your cursor over the screen and choosing your option. What if you had the ability to alter and control video, with the same user applicability that you can on a webpage or search engine.
You see, as I pondered this question, I thought about how this could even be possible, given our current internet code framework. Now I am not a tech junkie at all, in fact the only programming course I ever took was in 7th grade and it was on ms-dos basic. We were making video games with 40 x 40 bitmaps, with 16 bit colors, and h-line, v-line programming.
My current partner in my Podcasting Company, What I Want Podcasting, has extensive knowledge in c+ programming and understands today's world of code writing. In the few years I have worked with him, I have picked up on a lot of knowledge he has, just by being around him.
So in my dream the other night, I saw a formula. Now this formula is basic in its inception, but I believe a very good beginning base for code-writers to understand the concept.
Video Extensive Hyper-text Markup Language powered by MRSS technology is what I am speaking of. (Vxhtml-mrss) . This is the name I have given it; however it is yet to determined what it will grow into.
In order to bring user manipulation of video and interaction capability, the user must be given an interface. This interface must be translucent in its visual appeal, and it must be synchronized based on bitmap programming to the video below.
Let's say you are watching a commercial for a car, an intelligent commercial. This car is driving down the road, and the narrator is telling you about the performance of the vehicle. Now picture yourself with a cursor or arrow, like on any website. You can then place that arrow on pre-programmed places in the video, such as the wheels of the car, the engine of the car, or the windows of the vehicle. Once you click on that location, the intelligence begins to work. You "the user" has chosen to learn more about, let say, "The wheels." So in theory, as you click on the wheel, a new video will start streaming that tells you all about the wheels of that particular car. These video will be programmed, and are ready to play once the user has chose that particular location of the video.
So now you can see how the translucent layer comes into effect. The layer allows you to manipulate the cursor over the moving video. Then, the bitmap allows you to pre-program coordinates according to the motion of the video, so that when the cursor interacts with the video, it selects a feed which was already pre-programmed to that location.
Let's transition now to the code side of things, and this formula that popped in my head while sleeping.
We need additional support from the browsers, although I believe Microsoft and Netscape have new browsers that very close if not there already, in order for this to take place. So let's talk about how the programming will work with this.
My understanding is that Markup Language does not support goto commands. Which is why html or xhtml exists, it is used to make the two work together. This process will combine xhtml with mrss to make this a reality.
With the evolution of mrss, comes the ability to use numerous multimedia channels for online access to content. These channels are what will allow the seamless transition of video from one user choice to another.
Here is the formula and its legend below.
T1 = Beginning of Video - Original Starting Point of the Feed
A = Cursor (user interface tool)
(X1, Y1, Z1) = Cursor Selection (User Choice) [Also, the Bitmap Coordinate location]
(RST1, RST2, RST3) = MRSS feed
(T2, T3, T4) = New Audio or Video files to be played (most likely MP3 or MP4)
The formula:
T1 is playing
If A= (X1, Y1, Z1, etc.)
Then goto string (RST1, RST2, RST3, etc.)
String RST then plays ( T2,T3,T4)
Car Commercial Example:
T1 = Beginning of Car Commercial
A = Cursor
(X1 )= Wheel
(RST1) = Wheel information feed (mrss)
(T2) = New Video about the Wheels
In order for this model to work, the formula below be implemented in to a Java, J-script, or C++. This code then should be implemented into the Hyper Text which should in theory allow it to function off the XML, which drives it the source of the MRSS.
Here are the key factors in review for this concept to begin its birth:
An interactive translucent interface must be developed. This interface must use pre-synchronization to mirror the movement of the video. Interface must use coordinate location in conjunction with pre-synchronized scripts to trigger user request.
These requests need to be seamless. In order for this to be seamless, better browsers must be developed that use a new type of coding. Maybe Video xhtml, or whatever this topic morphs into. In order to succeed in developing formulas that incorporate the "goto" function of this process, programming must be done on the Hyper-text side of the equation to make the XML work in conjunction with the MRSS.
Now this is my dream, physically adapted to paper and in my own words. This should at least spark the topic of discussion further in our press, and at it most grand effect, spark the minds of programmers and large corporations around the world to make this practically applicable in today's society.
Ryan Hoback is Founder of the Motivated Entrepreneur, a Business Incubation & Consulting firm, specializing in helping entrepreneurs achieve success starting and growing their business.
He is also Chairman, and co-founder of What I Want Podcasting. A business podcasting firm specializing in developing the commercial application of podcasting, by integrating corporate branding and using nanocasting models.
He can be reached at 305-670-0998, or Rhoback@MotivatedEntrepreneur.com, Rhoback@WhatIWantPodcasting.com
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